Computers and Coding Class Assembly Script

Computers and Coding

Download a Class Assembly on Computers and Coding. Go through evolution of the computer through role play. Meet Charles Babage and Ada Lovelace talk through the Difference Machine. Watch the chaos that would be created if all computers were switched off altogether and help Professor Code program his personal robot to pick up his pencil.

Key Stage: KS2 - Key Stage 2 but can be adapted for Key Stage 1

Style: Informative and amusing

Number of children: Suitable for class, key stage or whole school

Duration: 20 minutes

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Computers and Coding Class Assembly - Extract

Extract 1



Do you think we would be able to manage without computers today? Imagine if we suddenly turned off all the computers all at the same time! Can you imagine what would happen?

(The following children go across stage in a frenzy each in turn)


(On the phone) hey! I have no electricity in my house! My lights have gone out! I can' t get my internet to work! Hello! (looks at the audience) The phones gone dead!

(Enter children. One carrying a cardboard painted cash machine) Hey I can't get any cash out! How am I supposed to get buy anything?


(Enter another child with a cardboard wheel in hand, facing the audience) The traffic lights are not working! Hey! My SAT NAV has gone! I don't know which turning to take! Oh no! I have missed my turning! (Enter another child driving in a frenzy too and both crash into each other. Then exit stage)

(Stage clear. PA announcement from the back)


Ladies and gentleman this is your captain speaking. We are having problems with the plane's central cockpit and controls. We have lost all power. We are having to make a crash landing, please fasten your seatbelts.


(Controlled screaming from children on the benches and sound effects of a crash)

(All exit stage)


Computers have changed all things in our lives. Even the things you don't think involve computers, do in some way! For example, the print on your T-shirt needs some sort of a computer to print it!


To tell us a bit more about computers, please welcome professor code and his apprentice!

(Enter Professor Code and Apprentice stand next to already stationed computers on stage)

Extract 2


Hello children, my name is Babbage, Charles Babbage and I am building a new machine called the difference engine.

(opens up a box and starts to mime building a machine)


For counting?


More than just count and compute! It will store data, run operations in a sequence. It will also have a memory and print!


Yes, but you are taking too long doing it all!


This machine will describe relationships between different things! Even the amount of pizza you eat and, and (getting excited) happiness! Just bear with me, it is going to be the basis of your first computer!


Tick tock, tick tock...


Hold on! I can't work with all this noise going on! Let me concentrate!


You are taking too long!


Well I have to put together 25000 components!

(Enters Ada Lovelace)

He is right! I am already writing programming algorithm for his computer!


Tick tock, tick tock....


Stop! (Everyone freezes)


Charles Babbage was never able to finish his machine but he lay the ground work for the first computer.


Although I will not be around! HUH! (Walks off in a huff!)

You will remember me some day!

(Ada and Babbage leave the stage huffing and puffing)

Extract 3

(Enter Professor Code again with a robot)


That is true! That is why we need very good instructions!

Bad instructions can make a computer useless and create bugs!

Do you understand?




Ok, let's ask this robot to pick up the pencil from the table.

(turns to robot)

Robot pick up the pencil!


(Robot bends down and tries to pick up the pencil)


No! No! It's over there!


Error no pencil found. Error no pencil found. Error no pencil found! (Starts whizzing)


You see computers are very clever things but they are not as intelligent as humans or children! They need very precise instructions. So, let's give it precise instruction.

(turns to the robot to give instruction)

Computer, take four steps forward.


(Takes four steps forward)


Robot, turn 90 degrees clockwise.


(Turns 90 degrees clockwise)


Robot, take 3 steps forward.


(Takes 3 steps forward)


Robot pick up the pencil from the table.


(Computer pick up the pencil from the table).

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